Laundry detergent can actually do much more than you think... as long as you add on the right ingredients. Then, it can clean your clothes more effectively and solve other common household problems. Here are some hacks to show you what your detergent can do and how the results of doing your laundry can be much more amazing.
1. Enhance your laundry detergent by adding simple power-ups
Not only is your laundry detergent not being maximised to its fullest potential, but some of your common household items are not as well!
(Image Credit: Arianka Ibarra)
Firstly, did you know that lemons can do great wonders for your laundry? Simply pour 1 cup of lemon juice into the washing machine during the wash cycle and let the lemons get to work. They can remove rust and mineral discolourations from any clothes made of cotton. The natural bleaching property of the lemon juice will eliminate stains and leave a fresh, clean scent on your clothes.
(Image Credit: Pinterest)
On top of that, you can use your handy-dandy mouthwash for extra cleanliness too. It is not only an antiseptic that kills the bacteria living in our mouth, but it can also eliminate any harmful particles in your laundry. After a long day at work or school, your socks are easily the smelliest and dirtiest piece of clothing. Coming home from a gym session means that your clothes are drenched in your perspiration, This means that they are likely to be filled with bacteria and fungi that a single wash may not be able to fully get rid of. But fret not, just add a cup of alcohol-based, sugarless mouthwash during your wash cycle and you will be good to go!
2. Unclog a sink drain

Oh no! Sink clogged and you’re not sure what to do? Call a plumber – wait, no! You can actually use your laundry detergent to unclog the drain. All you have to do is pour 60ml of laundry detergent down the sink, followed by A LOT of boiling water (about 4-5 litres). The magical solution made from the laundry detergent and hot water will unblock the clog and flush it out. Your sink will be back to normal – no money spent, no time wasted and no effort needed!
3. Remove tough stains on hands
(Image Credit: Jesse Orrico)
Laundry detergent can be used to make strong hand soap, especially if you need to remove difficult stains. Just mix equal amounts of laundry detergent and water and voila! Use that on days where you’ve been painting, working, fixing or doing anything that gets your hand dirty and you will see those stains easily fade off in no time.
4. Include vinegar in your daily laundry routine
(Image Credit: Tenor)
Vinegar is one of your most powerful tools in the kitchen. For starters, a cup of vinegar will kill any bacteria and any other damaging chemicals in your laundry. It also softens and brightens your clothes. You will notice your clothes coming out smelling and feeling fresh. Vinegar also protects your newly dyed clothes from bleeding and retains its radiant colour. Last but not least, it keeps your towel fluffy, making it extremely comfortable to use even after a long time!
5. Throw the measuring cup of your laundry detergent bottle into the washing machine
(Image Credit: 12Tomatoes)
If you think that the cap that you use to seal your bottle of laundry detergent is merely a measuring cup for you to measure the right amount of detergent to pour into your dispenser, you are greatly wrong.
You need to start placing the measuring cup into the washing machine as well, together with your laundry. This allows all the residual liquid left in the cup to be thoroughly washed out during the wash cycle. This ensures that your laundry is treated with the right amount of detergent and no excess sticky detergent will be left behind in the cup. Once your wash is completed, take out the completely clean cup and seal the bottle, leaving it for the next wash.
6. Turn your empty laundry detergent bottle into a brand new watering can
(Image Credit: Pinterest)
Always thought reusing and recycling is way too difficult? Well, it can be as simple as making a watering can out of your old detergent bottle. Don’t forget to wash your bottle thoroughly first though, you don’t want any remaining soap to poison and kill your plants. Poke several small holes in the cap of your bottle. Then, fill with water, seal the bottle and you’re ready to head off to water your mini garden!
7. Wash with cold water
(Image Credit: CNET)
Washing your clothes with cold water can help them last longer and be more effective in removing all kinds of stains. Hot water causes certain stains to set into the fabric of the clothes instead, such as blood and sweat. It also causes certain materials to shrink, fade and wrinkle after wash. This places an additional burden on your household chores as you would have to iron your clothes longer.
On top of this, delicate and soft fabrics, as well as dark-coloured fabrics are best washed and protected in cold water. Using cold water also reduces your household energy consumption, cutting down your utility bills while playing a part in saving the environment.
(Image Credit: Pixabay)
However, cold water may not always be the best option. Knit fabric and various synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, acrylic fibres, rayon work best in hot water. Additionally, if someone in the household has a cold, you would definitely want to use hot water to help kill the germs in their clothes and prevent their germs from contaminating other people’s clothes.
Do also remember to check the label of your clothes if you are unsure if they are safe to be washed in cold water!